Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Beth Donaldson's Presentation


Pieces and Patches Quilt Guild 


Beth Donaldson                                             

On November 24, 2014 Pieces and Patches Quilt Guild had the pleasure of hearing Beth Donaldson from Michigan State University Museum.  Beth wears many hats at the museum but the one that most interested us was being in charge of the Michigan Quilt Index.  The MSU Museum has 900 quilts in its collection dating back nearly 200 years, many made by Michigan quilters.  Beth spoke with our guild about "Quilts and Human Rights".  This thought provoking slide presentation contained many quilts and their stories depicting  significant human rights events or people involved in the human experience - for example people like Ruby Bridges, Rosa Parks, Nelson Mandela and events like the Holocaust, segregation in the United States, textile workers, civil rights marches - to name a few. Thank you Beth for this meaningful presentation.